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The 49-59 Ford Customline Car Club of Vic. HISTORY: 1975-1995
Written in 1995 1975, might not seem very long ago. However, if we stop for a moment and have a closer look, its surprising how time does fly. In 1975 a Star-Model Customline was
around 17 years old, the same age as a XD Falcon or a VB Commodore today. A ZB Fairlane was only 7 years old and a XY GT was just 4 years old. If you owned a Customline, it was probably your every day car. How many
members in our Club own just a Customline and use it daily, today?
In 1985, Life Member, JOE DEBRINCAT wrote a 10 year history
for the Club Newsletter, which we have reprinted below. Some members may have already read it before, however for those members who have joined the Club in more recent years, it is excellent reading and of course
historical value to the Club.
(The Second Ten Years -- 1985-1995, Written by Gary Hallett, further below.)
Peter Burckzewski and myself knew each other for a long time
and for about 2 years before the Customline Club started we always talked about starting a "Club" one day, however that's all it was, just talk. Until, one hot Saturday afternoon back in 1975, Peter rang and
asked what I was doing, I said I was listening to some good old rock n' roll, and having a few cold cans. He said, "Turn off your amp and bring your cans around to my place. I want you to meet some guys who are
keen on our idea of starting a Customline Club". When I got to Peter's place I was introduced to Frank & John Borg and Ray Shalders. Peter said its too hot to go inside, we all agreed and sat on the cool lawn.
After we had spent 3 hours planning and talking, the
Customline Club was born. Peter was elected President and myself as Secretary/Treasurer. The five of us then donated $2 for advertising purposes. $10 today is not worth much but then it was equivalent to $40, today
(I think). At first we thought that if we could get a dozen members, we'll be doing allright. The idea was that every now and then we'll go for a run, no meetings were planned then, just let the members know by mail
when and where to go for the run. For the first three months that was no problem as five of us could get in touch with each other by phone, however in between time, I had placed an advt in the AGE and that's when
things started to get out of hand.
People started to ring and write asking to know more about
the Club. I knew that some how I must get all these people together but where? I rang the other guys and told them about the phone calls and the mail that was coming in and we agreed that we must have a meeting
place. Ray was living in Spotswood and as luck would have it he was also renting an old garage in the same street where he lived and he offered his garage for our meetings.
I let everybody know where the first official meeting was to
be held and that it was to be on Sunday the 1st of June 1975 at 1pm.
THE FIRST MEETING For the first official meeting, we had a very good turn up. I was surprised to see so many. After all the introduction's we got down to business and this is what
came out at the end; a). The Club should be known as the; 49-59 FORD CUSTOMLINE CLUB of VIC. b). Apart from the President and Sec/Treasurer, a committee of five was formed. c). Meeting's to be held every
first Sunday of the month, and the runs, on the third Sunday. d). Joining fee of $5 per membership and $10 yearly. e). Some sort of Newsletter, Car stickers and T-shirts and if possible, find a bigger
meeting place.
Needless to say, before the meeting I was very nervous but
when I saw all the Cusso's parked outside in the street, I new it was worth it. After the first meeting we all agreed that the Club will kick on and what we really needed now was a Hall with a bit of space to park
our Customlines. On the weekends, Ray, Frank Peter and myself would hop into Ray's old Holden Panel van and go looking for the "Hall" we were after, but never found.
In early July 1975, my wife and I were invited to a party
and on the invitation card it said Sydenham Hall, the time, etc. That was the first time I had heard of Sydenham. When we got there and saw the Hall and all it's parking spaces, I knew I had found the Hall we were
after. Before I had had my first drink I made sure I had the Caretaker's phone number in my wallet. The rest is history.
Our first meeting at Sydenham Hall was held in August 1975.
Everyone liked the Hall and with that problem out the way, the next was to get a monthly Newsletter printed. It was not easy but between Denise and myself, we managed to produce a two page Newsletter for 62 members,
that's right folk's for 75/76 we had 62 financial members.
With the memberships growing all the time, our Bank Balance
was looking healthy and next on the agenda was Club T-shirts and Club stickers. Denise designed the Club stickers and when I showed the design to the Committee, all were in favour of it and gave Denise the go ahead
to do them for us where she worked, that also saved us a bit of money. For the T-shirts, we adopted the same design as for the stickers. With the Hall, the Newsletter, T-shirts and the Club stickers, out the way, it
was time to organise the first Christmas Party for the Club. And what a party that was, heaps of Cusso's parked outside the Hall, 2 BBQ's going, lots of drinks, rock n' roll blaring out of the Hall and Father
Christmas there to entertain the kids. To top it all off we captured all the excitement on film.
Since the Club got established everything seemed to fall
into place, so instead of me trying to give a year by year description, I'll take some EXTRACTS from Newsletter's from ten years ago.
JUNE 76 After today's meeting we'll have a small celebration, it's the
Club's first Birthday, the Club will supply the refreshments, also will be showing you some Club movies (SEC).
EASTER RUN TO WAGGA I would like to begin this column by thanking our members and the
members of the N.S.W. Club for making the trip to WAGGA. The run was a great success needless to say there will be more runs of this type in the future (JOE).
This year, the COLAC KANA was held on Sat.1st and 2nd of April. We had a good turn up of members and a good time was had by all. It was beaut to see once again our members winning trophies. Last year it was Frank Borg and Colin Box, this year it's Jim Davin and Colin. Well done boys.
NOTICE Members please note that the majority of members going on the run to WAGGA at
Easter will be staying at MOTEL ALLONVILLE STURT HIGHWAY WAGGA PH 22-7629. P.S. A meeting will be held at the motel Saturday morning at 10: am (SEC).
CLUB RUN We have been invited by the ZEPHYR Car Club to join them and other Car Clubs for a run to Hanging Rock on the 19th of March. We'll all meet in front of Calder Race Track at 10am sharp.
SWAP MEETING Our first Swap Meeting was a great success and I am sure everyone
will want to see more Swap Meetings in the future, thanks for the support members (JOE).
AUGUST ROCK DANCE What a night it turned out to be, a crowd never seen before at
Sydenham Hall. At 10pm people were still coming but we had to say sorry "full house". We just couldn't fit them in. The "ROCKABILLY REBELS" are a great 50's band and they liked playing at
Sydenham Hall. They even thanked us for giving them a chance to play in front of a big crowd.
WARRENDRA 77 With all the rain we had at Easter and nearly all the major highways
closed, I didn't think we'd make it to WARRENDERA. This is the first year I went to WARRENDRA National, but I'm sure it won't be the last if I can help it. Between our Club and the N.S.W. Club, I counted 22 Cusso's.
As you can see, WARRENDRA was not short of Customlines (JOE).
CLUB POSTAL ADDRESS As from the 30th of April 1977, the Club's new address will be;
Browsing through these old Newsletters, the memories sure
come flooding back. In 1978 we held four dances, three 50's Rock n' Roll and one Country & Western. All were a great success, so much the Club made over $470.00 profit from these dances. No wonder we used to
have great Christmas Parties and Club Birthday Parties. We also use to have good stands at the Hot Rod Show with four or five Club cars on show, also used to award trophies to Club cars in these sections. Most
original, most improved, best modified. These trophies used to be presented to members at the Annual Christmas Break-up Party. At the Club Birthday Party, we used to have "Club Member of the Year" awards.
Peter Burckzewski, Joe Debrincat, Frank Borg, Ray Shalders
& John Borg. Club's 1st meeting. Ray's old garage. 1/6/1975. Club's 1st run & BBQ. Held June 1975. Club's longest run. To WAGGA, to meet NSW Customline Club on Easter weekend.
1975/1976, had 62 financial members.
The 49-59 Ford Customline Club of Vic.
The Second Ten Years -- 1985-1995. BY GARY HALLETT
I had owned several Customlines before I joined the Club,
however I knew very little about it. Then in early 1985, I brought a 1956 Sedan from a woman who had only owned it for a month. I was told it was owned by a member of the Customline Club for many years. Wanting to
know more history about the car I rang Joe Debrincat and then Adrian Rossi. This was the first contact I had with the Club, and as a result I joined up several weeks later.
The first event I attended was a meeting at Sydenham Hall
with around 6 members attending. I was introduced to Adrian, Pat, and several others. During this meeting, I was told the Club only had 15 financial members, very little money, no Club Runs planned for the future
and little in the way of Club merchandise.
Apparently attendance had vanished to a keen 4 or 5 members per event. Meetings were held every second month instead of monthly. A ten year celebration party for
the Club was mentioned on this day, to be held at Xmas time.
The 1985 Xmas party was held at Sydenham, It was well
attended by present and past members. About a dozen Customlines lined up on display. It was a presentation not to be seen for many years.
MARCH 1986 Fellow Club member, Frank Borg wins a trophy for "BEST CUSTOMLINE" at the Annual Ford Day, with his immaculately presented Star Model Sedan.
JULY 1986 At the Annual General Meeting and after 10 years, Joe Debrincat
stepped down as President with sincere thanks from all members. I myself was voted in for a Committee position, although at the time I felt a bit inexperienced, only being a Club member for a year. I suggested to
Adrian, the idea of purchasing a Club Banner with the Club Emblem on it when funds permitted.
OCTOBER 1986 B.B.Q. lunch at fellow member, Nigel Smith's house. Nigel is also the
president of the Buddy Holly Club.
DEC 1986 A wet Sunday for the Club Xmas Party, kept the attendance low this
year at the Sydenham Hall.
FEB 1987 Our Club attended the All American Day and the Annual Ford Day. The
new Club Banner making its first appearance. Not many members were present at either event. Up to this point in time, I had attended several Runs and Shows, and of course meetings. It became clear to me that the
lack of funds and members were the Clubs main problem. To let people know that the Club existed, I organised adverts to appear in "CUSTOM RODDER" and "RESTORED CARS", plus several other
magazines. To highlight these adverts, photos of Club cars at resent Shows were included. The idea was, the more members the better, and also more money for the Club.
SEPT 1987 A Club Run to the Len Lukey Museum at Phillip Island took place on a
wet Sunday. The new Club postal address will be as follows; PO Box. 221, Reservoir. Vic. 3073. Since I had joined the Club, several friends of mine who owned Customlines, came to some Club events as guests of mine.
I was continually asking them to join up, however up till now I had been unsuccessful, Then finally I managed to persuade Jim and Beryl McCurdy to join, whom I knew would make active members. At this time there were
some Committee positions vacant, so Jim and Beryl landed into these seats straight away.
OCT 1987 To increase income and memberships, I suggested to the Club the idea
of having a stall at some of the Swap-meets. The first one was at the Fruit Markets, Footscray, on a Sat/Sun, including 2 Customlines, Club products for sale and various photos and display material were set up 'on
show to the public. Many application forms were handed out. Then to top it all off our display was photographed by "Restored Cars". As a result the membership stood at 24.
DEC 1987 This year the Xmas Party was held at the Blue Suede Shoes Restaurant.
FEB 1988 The Club attended the first Hanging Rock Run, 15 Customlines traveled
in convoy, having the most colorful display. After constant hammering I persuaded two more mates, Graham (rex) Nevin and Mario Muscat, to join the Club. The Club now has 30 members and there is also 2 types of cloth
badges available as well as windscreen stickers.
MAR 1988 With interest and morale running hot, The Annual Ford Day was
attended by around 35 Customlines. Two long rows or Cusso's, with four Club Cars roped off and set up with display materials, etc, etc, attracted people from every where, all looking at our Cars. The Club was later
awarded "Best Club Display", and a personal Thank-you from the organisers. A second Club Stand was also set up at the Footscray Fruit Markets. Membership now stands at 49.
APRIL 1988 A Run to Eddie Fords residence at Newstead. The home of "Custom
Rodder" and "Restored Cars", membership is now over 60.
MAY-AUG 1988 Over this period, the Club had a Cruise Night, a Run to Gumbuya Park,
a meeting, a Club Stand at Chirnside Park Swap-meet, and a new T-shirt available to members.
SEPT 1988 The Committee decided to have a Weekend Away, to be held Annually.
The first one was to Lorne Vic. Twelve Customlines made the trip and were photographed by The Geelong Newspaper. Membership is at 88.
DEC 1988 The Xmas Party was at Werribee Park. 22 Customlines turned up.
"Best Attendance" was awarded to Mario Muscat.
FEB 1989 From this date, there was a strong attendance all the time. At
Hanging Rock through to The Ford Day, The All American Day and The Cavalcade of Cars at Elaine Vic, right up to the trip made by 10 Cars to Narrandera at Easter. As from March 1st the Club was
Incorporated, so to protect itself from public liability. A time consuming task completed by your President Pat Muldoon. Membership is now 110.
JUL-DEC 1989 After 10 years as Sec/Tres, Adrian Rossi retires from the Committee.
During the lean years with only 8 members and the Club being virtually broke, Adrian kept it going as well as producing a Newsletter at his business, at his own expense. As a result of Adrian's hard work, the
Committee has decided to make him a Life Member. Jim and Beryl McCurdy now take over as Sec/Tres. We now have available to members, the new Club Keyrings. At the 2nd Annual Weekend Away about 12 Customlines traveled
to Echuca Vic. This years Xmas Party was at Gumbuya Park, Tynong. We now have 120 members.
JAN-JULY 1990 The Customline Club has a very presentable lineup of 8 Cars on
display at the Hot Rod Show at the Exhibition Buildings. Again members go to Narrandera at Easter. Six members attended the Sydney Ford Day in July. Due to the size of the Club, I have now become the Newsletter
Editor. Jim and Beryl McCurdy step down from the Committee. Dave and Ronnie Schapel take over the position of Sec/Tres. Andrew McKenzie joins the Committee.
OCT-DEC 1990 Only half a dozen members go to the Annual Weekend Away this year to
Corowa, N.S.W. Petrol was at 85c per litre due to the Gulf War, Xmas Party again at Gumbuya Park along with a great attendance. Life Memberships were awarded to Robert Eastman, Brenda Zbierski (now Shalders), and
Joe Debrincat.
FEB-JULY 1991 The Annual Ford Day this year is held at the Geelong Show
Grounds.Twelve Club members made sure our Club was well represented at Narrandera N.S.W. this Easter. In July the Club organised a Dance, music was performed by "The Vincents". Many hours of work were
needed to make this night happen and it all came together because of the effort and work by Andrew McKenzie. The Dance also gave the Bank Balance a big boost. At 10pm that night, Pat Muldoon was presented with a
Life Membership for all the hard work over the years. Pat decided to retire from the Presidents Position at the July elections. Our new President is Andrew McKenzie.
AUG-DEC 1991 A Sunday luncheon at Hamburger Heaven in August. Our first Club
Choice Trophy was won by Beryl McCurdy. In September, a Run to Lake Wendouree was organised with the Chev Club. The Club now has a Stand at the Footscray Swap-meet in October. Xmas Party was at Old Gippstown Moe.
Pat Muldoon organised the meat, enough to cater for 100 people.
FEB-JULY 1992 A good night was had by all that attended the 1st Drive-in Night at
Coburg, with the 55-56-57 Chev Club. A very hot Sunday for our members at the Annual Ford Day in Geelong. During July an Annual General Meeting at Camberwell was held on a Saturday for a change, with parking a bit
of a problem. Fred Franz was elected as President, Ken Lee takes on the job as Newsletter Editor. The Customline Club Dance again was a success, this year the band "Hoot & Holler" entertained
SEPT-DEC 1992 A cold but sunny day for the Clubs Run to Ballarat Vic, with the
55-57 Chev Club, there was 30 Chev's and 29 Customlines. Our Xmas Party was at Camp Jungai in the Rubicon Valley. The "Long Distance" Trophy was won by Leanne Franklin, she came all the way from
FEB 1993 Some Club members went to Hanging Rock. The Drive-in Night and The
All Ford Day.
APRIL 1993 Ten Cars made the Run to Daylesford Vic, having lunch at The Hepburn
Springs. In July, The Famous "Straigh 8's" rocked our socks off at the Annual Club Dance held in Ringwood. In Nov, around 6 members attended the Bright Rod Run, all having a great time. The Club joined up
with the FB/EK Holden Club on a Run to Whittlesea Vic. For the Xmas Party held at Brimbank Park, a traditional B.B.Q. lunch was enjoyed. A good time was had and also a great attendance of members was seen.
"Best 49-54" won by, Duncan Gatt for his yellow 52 Ute, "Best 55-59" was won by Don Macumber for his black 57 Sedan. Paul Wooding from Hay took off with the "Longest Distance" Trophy.
JAN-JUN 1994 A wet January day for a cruise to Watts River Reserve and a B.B.Q.
lunch. The 3rd Drive-in Night with the Chev Club was well attended in Feb. New metal Club Badges were available to members for $20.00 by the March meeting. By now the Newsletter was being produced with a colour
cover with excellent comments from members. This Easter at Narrandera, the Club held a Charity Auction raising $550 for the local Hospital. A combined Run with the 59-61 Fairlane Club to Daylesford took place in
May. "Club Choice" was won by Bill Oldham from Bendigo. By June, Shane Goodall had been given approval for "Club (Rego) Permits" after many months of hard work.
JUL-DEC 1994 The A.G.M. in July saw Shane Goodall voted in as Vice- President and
Don Macumber as Treasurer. The August Run was to Castlemaine, to visit Rod Hadfeilds Rod Shop. This year at The Bright Rod Run, the Club was well represented again with many favorable comments from those who
attended. Xmas this year was at Bylands Tram Musuem, near Kilmore Vic. An enjoyable day was had by young and old. "Best 49-54" was won by Chris Lees. "Best 55-59" was won by Barry Kohler.
"Best Car for 1994" was awarded to Fred Bonello, and a special "Horses Arse" was awarded to Fred Frantz.
JAN-JUNE 1995 The first Run for the year was a winery crawl around the Yarra Glenn
area. At the Annual All Ford Day in Geelong, DUST was a bit of a problem for many who attended. Hanging Rock attracted about 1200 Cars, some of course were Customlines, out to enjoy the sun. April saw a beautiful
convoy of Customlines making their way to Seymour Vic, to visit the Alpaca Farm. A cruise to Joe Pirotta's in Springvale in May, to view Joe's private collection of Cars. The talk of the day was a 56 Sedan called
"Dazzle", belonging to the late Charlie Pirotta..
JUN & JULY 1995 On a very wet Sunday, the Club took a drive down to the Rye Hotel.
With a lovely atmosphere and a great counter lunch a good time was had by all. The A.G.M. in July saw Fred Frantz hang up his Presidents hat after four years of service to the Club. Shane Goodall was voted in as
then next President. The Club Dance this years was held in Bayswater at a well secured place called "Just Rock". Music was provided by GENTRY. Along with the FB/EK Holden Club, Everyone had a great time.
"Best Customline" was won by Fred Frantz. "Most Original" was given to Ken Lee. "The Golden Armrest" was awarded to Shane Goodall.
The past 20 years, the Customline Club has been through many
good times and bad times. Many members have come and gone since 1975. lm sure that the Club would not have survived until today if it was not for the many, many countless hours of hard work given voluntarily by
dedicated Committee members, Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, etc, etc. Over the last 20 years as a result our Club is strongly established and it is recognised throughout the Car Club World. It is now up to all
the present and the future members to continue to take The Customline Club of Vic, Inc. up and beyond 2000.
Thank You. Gary Hallett.
We may have in the future someone to write the next ten
years' history of the Club, which would then coincide with the 30th Anniversary of the Clubs' beginning which was held on the 3rd July 2005.
It was early when we arrived at Rockbank Hall on Sunday 3rd
July to celebrate the 30th birthday of the Cussy Club. We were greeted with the sight of Ray Shalders tow truck and Cussy hot rod. Ray and Brenda had the hall open. In anticipation we looked forward to an enjoyable
day, not knowing exactly what the response would be. Gradually the Customlines started to arrive and were parked in Club style by reversing into the parking spaces in order of year. Soon there was the concern of
where to park the cars as they just kept coming.
What a wonderful sight to see such an array of beautifully
restored cars ranging over many years. It was equally pleasing to witness the friendship and excitement as past members and current members mingled and discussed cars, reminisced about past runs and shared the
history and photos of their cars and the Club. Guests and members were treated to warming cups of homemade soup, BBQ, and hot drinks.
The crowd was called to attend in the hall where Richard
invited all the founding members of the Club to come to the front. It was amazing to see so many come forward. Conversations and photos took place and the 30 candles on the birthday cake were blown out. Well done
and thanks to Ken for making and decorating the cake. The folk continued to converse and it was good to be able to put faces to many of the members who we have only known by name as we send out the newsletters.
Thank you to the committee for organising the day and
especially to Ray Shalders for instigating the birthday reunion. Thanks to the ladies who made and served the soup, those who sold the raffle tickets, the cooks, the photographer, and those who helped throughout the
day. Thanks to Ian and Sue for displaying and selling the Club merchandise, of which I believe some items sold out.
Names and addresses were listed with plans to conduct
another birthday reunion in 5 years time.
It was a wonderful day that I hoped all enjoyed as much as I did.
Barb van Egmond.