50 Emblem Web Size02

By Rob Brereton

Cussy Club Grey Mottle Bck Grnd02

On these next couple of pages you can buy and sell to your hearts content.

Send your adverts to the Webmaster.

Members Adverts
For Members, as long as it is "Customline" related you can advertise
your parts, panels, accessories, etc, For Sale for FREE.
The Wanted Section is for Members use only and is FREE.

For Members, if you wish to sell a "Customline", and it is sold through
our web site, then a donation to the Club of $100 would be
much appreciated upon the sale of the vehicle.

For Members, if you wish to sell a vehicle
then an advertising fee of $100
is payable upfront, before your advert can be placed.
(See payment details below)

Send your adverts to the Webmaster, via e-mail
where possible, and your advert will be placed ASAP.
Your advert will remain listed until sold or until
the Webmaster determines otherwise.

It is the responsibility of the advertiser to notify the
Webmaster when Cars or Parts are sold so they
can be removed from the list.

Non Members Adverts
The Wanted Section is for Members use only.

If you wish to sell something that is "Customline" related
you can place an advert.
Eg; parts, panels, accessories, etc.

An advertising fee is payable, upfront,
before your advert can be placed.

The advertising fee is 10% (parts etc) of the asking price
of the article advertised for sale

If you wish to sell a "Customline", an advertising fee of $150
is payable upfront, before your advert can be placed.

Pictures and details can be digital
or prints can be scanned.

Non members cannot advertise vehicles that “are not Customlines”.

Send your adverts to the Webmaster, via e-mail where possible, including payment by mail, and your advert will be placed ASAP.

Please make Cheques or Money Orders Payable to
the: 49-59 Ford Customline Car Club of Victoria Inc.
and send payments to the Webmaster
at: 13 Isabella Street Moorabbin Victoria 3189.
Or if you prefer you can make a
Direct Deposit into the Clubs Bank Account
Please inquire for banking details.

Your advert will remain listed until sold or until
the Webmaster determines otherwise.

It is the responsibility of the advertiser to notify the
Webmaster when Cars or Parts are sold so they
can be removed from the list.

Please contact our Webmaster with questions or comments.
Copyright © 2005. All rights reserved.