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By Rob Brereton

Cussy Club Grey Mottle Bck Grnd02

At the Club Committee Conference Meeting on the 15th November 2016 the Club approved the following Club Permit Scheme amendments to the rules, for obtaining a Club Permit through the Club, to better serve the scheme.
1. A Person wishing to have a vehicle approved for a Club Permit must first be a Current Financial Member of the Club.

2. A “NEW” financial member must attend “TWO” meetings before a vehicle can be approved for a Club Permit. At the second meeting they can apply to the Club, “IN PERSON” at the Club Meeting, to have their vehicle and permit approved and signed by the Club Permit Officer

3. A “Current” Financial Member of the Club can also apply to have a vehicle approved for a Club Permit by applying to the Club, “IN PERSON” at a Club Meeting, to have their vehicle and permit approved and signed by the Club Permit Officer.

4. It is also a Club requirement that any member who owns a Club Permitted vehicle has to attend at least “TWO” Club Meetings and “THREE” Club Runs” per year, otherwise the Club Permit may not be renewed. This rule will be enforced.

5. A Member's first vehicle to be approved for a Club Permit must be a 49 to 59 Ford Customline which complies with the Clubs vehicle requirements, not any other vehicle.

6. If a Member already owns a 49 to 59 Ford Customline, which has Full VicRoads Registration, then the first vehicle approved for a Club Permit does not have to be a 49 to 59 Ford Customline.

7. There is then no limit to the number of vehicles a Member may have approved for a Club Permit.

8. It is the Members full responsibility to comply with all the rules, regulations and requirements as set down by the Club and by VicRoads, whilst using the Club Permitted vehicle.

9. Any Member applying for a Club Permit must also have with them the Club Eligibility Form and signed by the Secretary and all the appropriate Vic Roads documentation, which includes the requirement of supplying a Current VicRoads Roadworthy Certificate and a Current set of 6 Photographs of the vehicle, otherwise the permit may not be approved. (Photos: (1) Left & (1) Right Sides, (1) Front & (1) Back, (1) Drivers side interior (Door open), and (1) Engine bay. Each photo must be imprinted by the Camera Date Option, on the face, with the date at which the photos were taken.

Documentation includes:
The Club Eligibility Form and signed by the Secretary.
A current VicRoads Roadworthy Certificate, filled out and signed by the tester.
The VicRoads Club Permit Application Form, filled out and signed by the Club Permit Officer.
A full set of Current Photographs of the vehicle (6).

For further information please contact:
     Les Cross. Club Permit Officer.

It is also the Members responsibility to ensure that their Club Membership and their Club Permit is currently paid up, otherwise their Club Permit may become invalid.

A Spouse or Partner of a Financial Member is deemed also to be a financial member, providing that the Spouse or Partner remains the financial member. A Spouse or Partner may also utilise the CPS.
If that Financial Member becomes Un-financial with vehicles on the CPS, under that membership, then those Club Permits will become Invalid and will be removed from the CPS by VicRoads.
If a member sells or disposes of that first 49 to 59 Ford Customline then any other vehicles on the CPS that are not 49 to 59 Ford Customlines, will not be eligible to remain on the CPS and VicRoads will be notified and they will then cancel those Club Permits pertaining to that membership.
To keep those other vehicles on the CPS another 49 to 59 Ford Customline, with Full VicRoads Registration or a Club Permit, would need to be acquired as the first vehicle before those other vehicles can be kept on or put back onto the CPS.

Victorian Club Permit Scheme.
VicRoads has now approved and implemented the new 90 Day & 45 Day Logbook Scheme. A summary of the key points is available at the AOMC web site. It is the responsibility of the Club Permit Holder to familiarise themselves with all the new regulations.

Vic Roads image

It would also be in the interest of all Club Members to read the full
Club Permit Scheme Documentation on the Vic Roads web site
 if you are contemplating having your vehicle approved
for the Club Permit Scheme, including the New “M” Category
and all the requirements for Modified Vehicles, VSI33.

Click on this link to go straight to the
Vic Roads - Club Permit Scheme web page.


Left Hand Drive
Club Permit Vehicles

Left Hand Drive vehicles, on a rolling 25 year basis,
may now be issued with a Club Permit.
The vehicles must comply as set out in the VicRoads
Club Permit Scheme documentation.

These has recently been a lack of clarity about whether left hand drive (LHD) vehicles over 25 years old (but under 30 years old) are eligible for the club permit scheme.
The attached VASS Bulletin clarifies the rules for left hand drive vehicles.  It will be available on VicRoads’ website in the next few days.
John Lewis
Principal Practice Advisor – Registration and Licensing

Please read the Rules below.


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